Sigríður Jónsdóttir

Information about the event

20:00 - 21:30

Evening Walk | Queer Performing Arts in Reykjavík

Thursday August 8th 2024

Queer people have always existed. One of their safe spaces in the past was the theater. During the walk, the veil will be removed from this queer world and several well-chosen places will be viewed with different glasses than the theater visitor is perhaps used to.

The performing arts are a big part of Reykjavík's cultural history, but beneath the surface, there is a different and queer world.

Leikfélag Reykjavíkur (The Reykjavík City Theater) paved the way for a modern theater at Iðnó (an old building by the pond) in 1897, but in 1975 the first gay man appeared in an Icelandic play on that same stage. The National Theater was founded in 1950, and in their second production, one of the best-known comedians in the country took the stage, but she had a girlfriend for many years. In the 1950s, independent theater groups began to challenge civilians ways of thinking, and the first lesbian appeared in one such production, much earlier than many thought.

Sigríður Jónsdóttir, who leads the walk, is an expert at the Theater department at National and University Library of Iceland - as well as being a theater critic for the Heimildin newspaper.

Evening walks are a series of events organised by Reykjavík City Library, Reykjavík City Museum, Reykjavík Art Museum and Reykjavik, Unesco City of Literature. The walks take place on Thursday evenings from 8 pm - 8:30 pm during the summer. This walk will start in front of the Reykjavik City Library Grófin (downtown), Tryggvagata 15.

Take a look at the whole program HERE.

The event on Facebook.

Further information:
Guðrún Dís Jónatansdóttir, Head of Communication | 411 6115