Tvær myndir, spælst saman í eina. Vinstra megin situr maður og spilar á söngskálar. Hægra megin liggur kona í floti í sundlaug.

Information about the event

19:00 - 22:00
Íslenska og enska

Peaceful Evening | Floating, Relaxation and a Group Sound Bath

Friday November 22nd 2024

Are you craving some peace and quiet? Come visit us for a peaceful evening.

The lights will be dimmed, relaxing music will sound.

In collaboration with Dalslaug, we invite you to a 30-minute float in the indoor pool, deep relaxation and peace in body, mind and soul. In a float, participants experience a healing moment together in timelessness surrounded by water. Note that the float is not led by a floatation therapist, but meditation with music is played through speakers in the water.

During the float, it will also be possible to go for guided relaxation in the hall for those who prefer it.

After the float and relaxation, a group sound bath will be offered in the hall with naturopath Jacek Szeloch. In the group sound bath, Jacek uses a Nepalese sound healing technique that involves playing singing bowls that emit vibrations. The sound healing brings the body into a deep and healing state of relaxation.

No need to register, just show up and enjoy.


7.00 pm           Flotation in Dalslaug, 20 places available, tickets at the Dalslaug counter.
7.40 pm           Flotation in Dalslaug, 20 places available, tickets at the Dalslaug counter.
8.10 pm           Flotation in Dalslaug, 20 places available, tickets at the Dalslaug counter.

7.00 pm           Guided Relaxation in the hall

8.30 pm           Group Sound Bath in the hall

The event on Facebook

Jacek's website, Wellsprings


Further information: