Information about the event
India in Focus | The Land of Ayurveda and Holistic Wellbeing
Health in India is a holistic pursuit focusing not just on body but also mind, spirit, emotions, and environment. Indian Philosophy (including Ayurveda) views a connection between the universal cosmos and every matter on this earth, including human beings. Through Ayurveda, we shall understand this significant connection, by gaining insights about the panch mahābhūta (Five Great Elements), tri-doṣa (Three Body Humors/constituents: vāta, pitta, kapha), six tastes, appropriate dinacaryā (daily regimen), and ṛtucaryā (seasonal routine) for holistic benefits.
Shilpa Khatri Babbar is a Sociologist from India and has been teaching University students for almost 25 years. From 2022, she has been appointed as the Chair of Indian Studies at the University of Iceland, by ICCR - the Indian Council for Cultural Relations.
Shilpa will give two lectures at Reykjavik City Library Grófin in November, continuing with her focus on Indian culture but she held three lectures at the library in the spring. India for her is not just geography but a string of spiritual, cultural, social, and philosophical beads that has enabled the country to sustain itself as one of the most ancient living civilizations. To share important aspects from the ancient wisdom and the diversely colorful culture of the country, she has set her journey as a carrier of Indian fragrance across the globe.
Further information:
Guðrún Dís Jónatansdóttir, Head of Communications | 411 6115