Jóhanna Magnúsdóttir, garðyrkjufræðingur
Jóhanna Magnúsdóttir, garðyrkjufræðingur

Information about the event

11:00 - 15:00

Grow your own vegetables and exchange your seeds

Saturday February 11th 2023

Few things are better than freshly picked vegetables from your own garden. Surprisingly you don't need a lot of space to grow your own vegetables. Those interested in gardening know the feeling of enthusiasm as the sun rises higher and higher every day. Then is exactly the right time to plan for the next spring and summer's crops. Jóhanna B. Magnúsdóttir, horticulturist, discusses the cultivation plan of vegetables, sowing and pre-cultivation of different species, growing space and soil in beds.

There is no need to sow a lot at any given time, so growers often end up with a bunch of seeds that they can’t use. Then it is ideal to bring them to the seed exchange market, which starts on the same day and lasts for the week or until February 18.