Brúður segja skrýtnar sögur
Brúður segja skrýtnar sögur

Information about the event

11:00 - 17:00

Reykjavik Children Festival | Puppet Theater Workshop

Sunday June 14th 2020

Puppet theater workshop for 5-12-year-old.

Children in groups decide about the play they are going to perform, make stage decorations, compose and perform music with instruments they make at the place, create puppets and show their plays for friends, siblings and parents. All the materials needed will be offered on site, including cardboard boxes that you can decorate and use as stage, shablons for puppets to be finished and decorated.

Artist Jurgita Motiejunaite will be on site to educate the children about puppet plays, to guide and assist them in stage design, playwright and puppet making.

Workshop is in Icelandic. Instructions are also available in Lithuanian, English and Russian.

Everyone are welcome!

For further information:
Ingibjörg Ösp Óttarsdóttir, verkefnastjóri barna og unglingastarfs
tel. 4116146