collage of a house

Information about the event

13:30 - 15:00

Kakó Lingua | My dream place (collage workshop)

Sunday September 17th 2023

A fun creative collage workshop for the whole family! We will reflect on what makes us happy, our dreams for the future and all the things that bring butterflies to our bellies. We will cut from old magazines, books, postcards and create our imaginary dream place in a friendly multilingual environment.  

All languages are welcome to join us, we speak Icelandic, English, French, Polish, Spanish and Danish and we always find a way to communicate and have fun with languages together. The workshop is free and all supplies are provided. 
Our host is curator and artist Emilie Dalum.

Emilie Dalum is a Danish born independent curator and visual artist who has been living in Iceland for the past 10 years. She combines cultural, personal and imaginative subjects to manifest her hybrid practice: her work moves across curation, project management, photography, drawing, poetry, and installations. Her practice explores past-present dichotomies, revolving around the themes of sensory explorations, personal storytelling, truths, placemaking, and the experience of the audience.
She is the founder, art curator and project manager of the exhibition projects The Factory in Djúpavík and The Tub in Þingeyri, and is a board member of Sequences Real Time Art Festival. Her own works of art have been exhibited in institutions and galleries in Iceland. 

Kakó Lingua events focus on spending intercultural and  inter-generational quality time together using visual co-creation and different languages in a friendly and inspiring environment. We will utilize each others skills and connect using communication beyond language. The events take place at The Reykjavík City Library Kringlan, all supplies are provided and participation is free.  Last, but not least, there is always kakó (hot cocoa) on offer and a multilingual music playlist as our backdrop.

Event on Facebook

For more information:
Martyna Karolina Daniel, intercultural specialist