Lestrarkósí - Jólasveinarannsóknin

Information about the event

14:30 - 15:30
9-12 years old

Cozy Reading | Book Club

Wednesday September 20th 2023

The book club will be located in Kringlan and will take place every other Wednesday from 2:30-3:30 PM 

Come and learn to know the magic of children's books through reading, chatting, making crafts and delve into the books. In the book club we put emphasis on cozy atmosphere and each club starts with snacks while the children listen to the chapter of the day. The book club suits both bookworms and those that like to listen to a good story and strengthen their Icelandic and reading skills. 

We'll open for registrations on sumar.vala.is on 15th of August

In spring 2023 we'll read the book Jólasveinarannsókin [Yule lads investigation]  by Benný Sif Ísleifsdóttir. The friends Baldur, Elías and Hjörtur want to find out if the yule lads do exist or not. Armed with tablets, flashlights, a ruler, a Christmas series and a monkey, the friends start their investigation. What do they find out?

We'll meet these days: 
20th of September,  27th of September, 18th of October,  1st of November, 15th of November and 29th of November

 Ingibjörg Ösp Óttarsdóttir, project manager for children and youth
ingibjorg.osp.ottarsdottir@reykjavik.is | 411 6146