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Information about the event

13:00 - 15:00
Arts & Crafts

Decorated apples

Sunday December 10th 2023

Red apples are even prettier, perhaps a bit more Christmassy, and they definitely taste sweeter, when decorated with snow white icing.
Once the apples are decorated they make a lovely Christmas decoration for a few days, after which they become a lovely and (mostly) healthy, Christmas treat.
Artist Sæunn Þorsteinsdóttir  teaches us the art of decorating apples with sugar icing.

Join us for a cozy Advent afternoon at the library where we´ll listen to Christmas music and decorate apples.

For further information please contact:
Sæunn Þorsteinsdóttir, children´s librarian
saeunn.thorsteinsdottir@reykjavik.is | 411 6250