Community | Núritun Live Coding Space
Community for Live Coders
Núritun Live Coding Space is a community for anyone interested in live coding, beginners and more advanced. The meet-ups are suitable for anyone interested in creative technology, programming or making art, no music education or previous experience is needed. All needed is curiosity and an open mind. Núritun Live Coding Space is a place to connect, work on projects and learn new technologies. Let’s create a connection between live coders, learn from each other and deepen our knowledge of live coding.
When do we meet up?
Every other Monday from 16:30-17:45 in the Maker Space on the 5th floor in Grófin. These are open meet ups, so you are welcome to attend when you like.
Please note: We are not currently meeting up - more information will be added here soon.
What is Live Coding?
Live Coding is a creative approach to programming where the performer creates music or art by writing, editing or manipulating code in real time, usually in front of an audience.
In the last few decades, this practice has emerged as a dynamic creative discipline, gaining attention across cultural and technical fields—from music and the visual arts to computer science. In live coding the composition happens in real time, where performers can communicate via sound, visuals, robotic and human movements, or basically anything that can be controlled. In performance the code is often projected on a screen for the audience to follow.
All welcome, no registration. The meet ups are in Icelandic and English.
Interesting for Live Coders:
Strudel & TidalCycles
Further infomarmation:
Karl James Pestka | 665 0898