Climate Café | Fermenting and Organic Lifestyle in Gerðuberg
At the first Climate Café workshop this winter, Anna María Björnsdóttir presented the importance of certification of organic products for the environment, animals and people. Anna María is an environmental activist who works as a documentary filmmaker and project manager for Organic Iceland, she focuses on a holistic approach to environmental protection. During the event, lively discussions took place around our attitudes towards food and quality indicators, from the perspective of consumers, growers and parents.
Marina Ermina then demonstrated how to preserve vegetables for the winter. She also presented her personal journey to develop her own kimchi. The participants were invited to taste the delicacy of kimchi and take along recipes to try out at home.
The next Climate Coffees will be held at the public library in Akureyri on September 20 and 21. Marissa and Marina will then return to the City Library with a workshop in Úlfarsárdalur on environmental activism on November 14 and with a Christmas version of Climate Café on December 5 in Grófin.
Follow Climate Café´s journey around Iceland on their Facebook page: Loftslagskaffi, Ísland- Climate Cafe, Iceland