Pikknikk Klambratúni

Pikknikk in Klambratún

Two Palestinian families hosted the latest Pikknikk where they shared delicious food with everyone. The Pikknikk in Klambratún turned out to be a true feast. The families shared Palestinian maftoul and musakhan with chicken as well as namoura pastry with all the participants. The Pikknikk was a joyous one, with a lot of people joining, enjoying the delightful food and some brought more food to the buffet.  

Pikknikk á Klambratúni

Palestinian music was played, and giant soap bubbles floated in the air, which was a pleasure for children and adults alike and drew people walking by to the gathering. Many expressed their wish to attend a cooking class with the hosts as soon as possible.

Pikknikk á Klambratúni

A journalist from Grapevine was present and will be working on a piece about Palestinian food culture with the Pikknikk hosts. Reporters from Stöð 2 came and spoke to Arwar Albuhaisi, who said that the Pikknikk was an excellent opportunity for Icelanders to learn more about Palestinian culture and food and that they felt supported and appreciated in the collaboration. The Reykjavík Social Services - Vesturmiðstöð was a partner of this Pikknikk and connected the library with the hosts. You can watch the news report on Stöð 2 - the interview starts at minute 13 in news recording.
By clicking on the image below you also have a short video of the event.

Myndbrot frá Pikknikki á Klambratúni

This Fall, the Pikknikks will continue and in each Pikknikk we collaborate with a different host. Here is an overview of past Pikknikks.

Further information:
Martyna Karolina Daniel  
Specialist | Intercultural affairs 

UpdatedThursday July 4th 2024, 14:59