Sólheimar Children‘s Department

All children are welcome! We have a variety of games to check out and themed-bags full of different developmental toys to play with at the library. We also have a lot of costumes and stuffed animals. Our colouring station is always out for children to use as they please. 

We have a baby changing table in the bathroom and a high chair for the youngest ones. 

The library offers story time and library orientations for groups. Every second Thursday of the month, we invite children to come to the library in their pyjamas for our popular after-hours story time, which our guests find very exciting. Every week we offer family time for parents with children who haven’t started preschool .  

The library also has books, newspapers, and films for all ages, and of course the coffee pot is always on.

UppfærtFöstudagur, 30. september, 2022 10:15