feet and a dress on sand

Um þennan viðburð

16:30 - 18:30
Liðnir viðburðir

Wordshop | "just like"

Þriðjudagur 21. maí 2024

What words do you miss in Icelandic? What would you like to say in a new way?

The workshop aims to create space for new innovative phrases and idioms. By activating memories, the senses and different languages or ways of speech, we want to generate new vocabulary for a familiar feeling or a new feeling with familiar vocabulary. Through the creation of new phrases we want to explore one’s relationship to an acquired language, one’s mother tongue, and the relationship between the two languages. When one thinks about home a landscape appears, as well as images and memories, and in the same way there is landscape inherent in a language. We want to find those emotions and that landscape a vocabulary. What is just like something else? What is like the thing I want to say?

The workshop is free, open to all ages, and part of the Love Speech Library project.
Workshop designed and led by Karólína Rós Ólafsdóttir and Maó Alheimsdóttir.

Love Speech is a project that emphasizes lived realities, emotional literacy and ownership of the Icelandic language. As the title of the project implies, the emphasis is on playing with words and all those involved in the project are therefore encouraged to create new Icelandic words. The words are then collected in a new dictionary which is kept in the Reykjavik City Library and available to consult on location. In addition to the object of the dictionary, we are creating a platform to discuss what is dear to us - our experience of communication.

More information:
Martyna Karolina Daniel