Akrýll á striga eftir Jón B K Ransu XGeo
XGeo 2005

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Á opnunartíma
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The Art Wall | Jón B. K. Ransu

Miðvikudagur 28. febrúar 2024 - Föstudagur 28. júní 2024

The artwork wall is accessible during Miðdal's opening hours until spring. The work will be unveiled on Wednesday, February 28 at 1:00 p.m.

Jón B. K. Ransu is a visual artist, author and curator living in Reykjavík, Iceland. In his paintings Ransu mainly focuses on revision and perception of art. 

The Art Wall is a collaboration between The Reykjavík City Library and The Reykjavík Art Museum. One wall in the library's entrance will be dedicated to a temporary exhibition from the museum's collection. In that way we increase the public's accessibility to varied and ambitious visual artworks and we build a platform to talk about art, artists and different courses and currents in the art world. The art is regularly replaced, to further call for the attention of the regular visitor. 

Listasafn Reykjavíkur (Reykjavík Art Museum) has various national and international exhibitions of works by distinguished modern and contemporary artists. The museum is also a platform for up-and-coming young talents. The museum has more than 17.000 artworks in its collection, among which many of the best known works of Icelandic artists.


The event on Facebook.

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