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Children's Culture Festival | Big dreams – small steps

Þriðjudagur 23. apríl 2024 - Sunnudagur 28. apríl 2024

Welcome to a participatory exhibition based on the dreams of children from Melakóli

The exhibition will feature a huge map of Iceland where the children have entered their dreams, both big and small, for the future. Every voice matter and it is important that all dreams are heard to shape a better future.

 As inspiration, the children will work under the guidance of Kristín Vilhjálmsdóttir with the Global Goals of the United Nations and books from the book series Little People - Big Dreams, which talk about outstanding people who have had a positive impact on the world.

During the Children's Culture Festival, visitors are encouraged to write down their own dreams, which will be added to the exhibition. There will be a workshop at the  Adventure Palace where participants can add their dreams to the exhibition.

Week 17 is the international week of the Sustainable Deveolpment Goals in libraries.

For further information:
Ingibjörg Ösp Óttarsdóttir, project manager for children and youth | 4116146