Information about the event
Opening | Seed Library in Kringla with Vilmundur Hansen
Kringlan City Library is opening a Seed Library where patrons can get seeds for free to grow their own plants and/or bring extra seeds from home in a labelled envelope. To mark the opening botanist and horticulturist Vilmundur Hansen will go over the most important aspects of sowing summer flowers, herbs and perennial plants, including when and how to sow and hardening. Afterwards The Seed Library will be formally launched.
Vilmundur has written about horticulture for Bændablaðið, hosted a podcast called „Ræktaðu garðinn þinn” and run a popular Facebook-group under the same name on gardening and plants.
Now is a good time to start thinking about summer, grab some seeds and/or bring some extra from home, all seeds welcome, indoor and outdoor plants, as well as something tasty.
For further information:
Hólmfríður María Bjarnardóttir, specialist
holmfridur.maria.bjarnardottir@reykjavik.is | 411 6202
Guttormur Þorsteinsson, specialist
guttormur.thorsteinsson@reykjavik.is | 411 6204