Fantasy Club

Fantasíu klúbbur Borgarbókasafnið

In the Club we’re going to have a nice time and talk about amazing Fantasy books, Movies and TV Shows! 

The club is for 14-99 years old.

The Club is for newcomers to the world of Fantasy as well as long time fans. The main thing is to meet other people who are interested in the subject.

In the first meeting we will discuss how the future Club will look like, so we hope to see as many as possible.

We meet at Grófin on the 5th floor every other Tuesday at 4:00-6:00 pm

Dates: 3rd of September, 17th of September, 1st of October, 15th of October, 29th of October, 12th of November and 26th of November

The Book Club Manager is Sigurrós Sóley Jónsdóttir

Further information:
Sigurrós Sóley Jónsdóttir, Librarian 