The Icelandic Crime Wave

Glæpafár á Íslandi - Viðburðaröð

The Icelandic Crime Wave (Glæpafár á Íslandi) is the name of a series of events organised by The Icelandic Crime Syndicate on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the association. The events which will be held all around Iceland are all related to Icelandic crime stories and crime fiction writing in some way. The willingness of the libraries to participate in the project isn't surprising knowing that Icelandic crime stories and Icelandic translations of foreign crime stories are somewhat the most popular books at the libraries.  

According to the chairman of the Syndicate it's the association having worked hard on making crime books more visible and popular in Iceland for the last 25 years or so, thanks to them a veritable crime wave has raged in Icelandic literature. 

Needless to say, members have done a great job for the last 25 years and will celebrate it this year with various events around the country, The Icelandic Crime Wave. 

The events can be found at the Syndicates' Facebook page and on the websites of the participating libraries around the country.

The project The Icelandic Crime Wave is funded by Rannís Library Fund.

Further information:
Guðrún Dís Jónatansdóttir, Head of Communication