The Hrútakofinn Reading Circle

A Reading Circle for men only
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The Sveigur Reading Circle

Do you love to read and discuss books?
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Summer Closures

The libraries take turns being closed during the summer. When is your library open?
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Pikknikk in Spöngin

Sharing Sardinian sour dough bread and Venezuelan Tequenos
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Did you know that you can now borrow magazines at the E-Library?

Around 200 titles. National Geographic, Hello Magazine and anything between!
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Creating a Seed Library together

We shared growing tips, seeds, coffee and nice conversations.
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Winner | Reykjavík City Library’s 2023 Christmas Song

The winning song is by Jens Einarsson. Listen here!
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Women's Prime | „This is the life I want to live“  

Þórunn Elísabet Sveinsdóttir tells about her exhibition Kvennaljómi.
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The Public Library as a Social Platform

A successful conference on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the City Library.
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