open mic on fake grass

Pikknikk in Grófin

The queer vocabulary in Icelandic was the main discussion point at the community picnic with our hosts from Samtökin ´78 - the National Queer Organisation of Iceland. They offered cupcakes that participants could decorated with colorful toppings reminding us of the LGBTQ+ Pride Flags and what they stand for. We discussed what Icelandic words are missing to raise a common understanding and respect for queer lives and could be added to the made-up words of Love Speech.  

a man relaxing in the library fruits on a platter

Samtökin ´78 recently had a campaign that encouraged people to send in new queer Icelandic words. Three were selected as the best proposals: stórforeldri: a gender-neutral word for a grandparent in Icelandic, aðkynhneigð translating the word allosexual and the abbreviation ks. for a queer individual expand the binary definition of gender, that now only includes kk for male and kvk for female. We are still missing Icelandic words that describe family relations that reflect diverse family forms and relationships. Amatonormativity was one of them, that is the assumption that all human beings pursue love or romance, especially by means of a monogamous long-term relationship. In Icelandic the same word, kyn, is used to refer to both gender and sex. This often causes confusion and lack of clarity in meaning. The Icelandic word gervi has been added to describe a certain gender identity or gender expression that many were not happy about, since this word is also used to refer to fake or unnatural elements. The quest for new Icelandic words to describe a changed reality and promote more respectful communication continues in the project Love Speech. We encourage people to send in their words and thoughts online in the Co-Created Icelandic Dictionary.


More about our Librray Pikknikks HERE

For further information:
Martyna Karolina Daniel, intercultural specialist


UpdatedThursday June 27th 2024, 09:03