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Hydrogen sulphide dispersion modelling for the Svartsengi geothermal power plant, SW-Iceland (English)

Jarðhitaskóli Háskóla Sameinuðu þjóðanna
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Results of H2S predictions for 1-hour, 3-hour, 8-hour, 24-hour, monthly and annual concentrations for emissions from Svartsengi power plant, using the Industrial Source Complex Model (ISC3View) and Air Force Toxic Chemical Dispersion Model (AFTOX) models are presented. In all cases higher concentrations are predicted towards, the NE and SW site of the power plant and the concentrations decline with increasing distance. Annual predictions are in a good agreement with the 24-hour measurements averaged over the same duration. Short term predictions seemed to overestimate measured concentrations. The ISC3View model predicts a maximum 1-hour average of 1720µg/m3, 280 µg/m3 for 24-hours and annual average of 27 µg/m3. The measurements done over a short averaging time (1-min) indicate lower maximum concentrations (265 µg/m3) than results from the model. The H2S pattern around Svartsengi follows the annual wind pattern with high concentrations in the regions characterised by high frequency of wind flow in that direction.
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