Every word was once a medicine

Gerðuberg calling is back with a new theme: TOGETHER
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Stofan | An interview with Shu Yi

get to know Shu Yi's installation
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Stofan | Is comfort necessarily conflict-free?

A think tank with our collaborators
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The Library at Reykjavík Pride 2021

The Bookmobile is filled with with queer books during Pride.
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National Novel Writing Month 2020

Let's get together and write for the whole of November!
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Frásagnir um fordóma | Hlaðvarp

Samtal um kerfisbundinn rasisma og mismunun í samfélaginu okkar.
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New Podcast | Belonging, Structure and Racism

Are our public spaces inclusive? Who has the power to take up space? Who has a voice?
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