Charles Durett - Cohousing

Information about the event

16:30 - 18:00
Talks & discussions

Opið samtal | Cohousing Communities Now

Tuesday July 2nd 2024

Charles Durrett will speak about his latest book "Cohousing Communities - Designing for high-functioning neighborhoods". Charles is an architect, author and advocate for efficient, socially responsible and sustainable design. He greatly influenced the development of socially oriented architecture and cohousing communities. Charles has designed over 50 cohousing communities in North America and has had a consulting role in many others around the world. 

Charles Durett has developed a step-by-step guide to how to start a cohousing community. In the lecture, Charles will share his experience on the inception and design of cohousing communities and their social and environmental benefits. He will also tell us how the Danish concept of cohousing communities has influenced the development of Cohousing in America and what it is important to learn from each other. 

Opið samtal - the open conversation is organized with the cohousing advocates Kjarnasamfélag Reykjavíkur who have been striving to create a cohousing community in Reykjavík. They are now pushing to be able to acquire a building plot and design the layout for an Icelandic cohousing.  

The lecture will also highlight Living Closer - conference for collaborative housing which will be held in Reykjavík 10th and 11th of October 2024 

Charles will have copies of the book for sale at the event: Cohousing Communities - Designing for high-functioning neighborhoods.

Everyone welcome and no participation fee. 

Event on Facebook

Further information:
Dögg Sigmarsdóttir
Project manager | Civic Participation