Fall Break 2024

Please note that we are still working on the page!

Reykjavik City Library offers lots of free activity for children during the Fall Break from the 24th - 28th of October!

See everything that is happening in our libraries. Click on the links below to get further information about each event, or look at all at the events at once here.


THURSDSAY the 24th of October

Shadow Puppetry | Spöngin from 1pm - 3 pm


FRIDAY the 25th of October 

Arts and Crafts Orienteering Game |  Spöngin from 11 am - 6 pm


SATURDAY the 26th of October

Halloween Arts and Crafts | Spöngin from 11 am - 4 pm


SUNDAY the 27th of October



MONDAY the 28th of October

Mask Making | Spöngin from 10 am - 6 pm

Minecraft Workshop | Ábær from 1 pm - 3 pm

Further information:
Ingibjörg Ösp Óttarsdóttir, project manager for teen and youth
ingibjorg.osp.ottarsdottir@reykjavik.is | 411 6146