Information about the event
Reading Circle | Crooks & Books
Do you enjoy reading and discussing crime and thriller literature?
To escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the very best thing to do is to throw yourself on the sofa with a good crime novel, immerse yourself in an exciting scenario and try to solve the puzzle, preferably before midnight!
The reading circle Crooks & Books (Glæpagengið) is a part of the program The Icelandic Crime Wave, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Icelandic Crime Syndicate. We get together once a month on Tuesdays from 4:30 to 5:30 pm at Spöngin City Library to discuss crime and thrillers from Iceland and other countries.
The reading list:
24 September
Heim fyrir myrkur by Eva Björg Ægisdóttir
29 October
Kalmann og fjallið sem svaf by Joachim B. Schmidt
26 November
Babúska by Hallveig Thorlacius
17 December
Stóri bróðir by Skúli Sigurðsson
Guðrún Dís Jónatansdóttir, passionate reader of crime and thriller stories, is the supervisor of the reading circle.
The reading circle on Facebook
Registration and further information:
Guðrún Dís Jónatansdóttir, Head of Communication
gudrun.dis.jonatansdottir@reykjavik.is | 411 6115