people having a picnic in Kléberg

Pikknikk in Kléberg

The residents of Kjalarnes visited us for a picnic at the library in Kléberg and enjoyed Pierogi, which are the traditional Polish dumplings. We engaged in critical and entertaining discussions about the relationship between Kjalarnes and the rest of the city of Reykjavík - when do they feel like they belong to the city and when are their interests taken into account in politics? Most people living in Kjalarnes go to the city of Mosfellsbær for basic services, such as going to healthcare, shopping and other things that are part of everyday life.

polish dumplings someone talking in the library

There are not many meeting places in the area and it would be welcome if the library would support festivals or other events that bring residents together. For example, a school building in the area will turn 100 years old next year so it would be a good occasion to join forces and organize something together.

Thank you very much for the shared food and good conversations! Join us for our last picnic before the summer break

More information about our picnics HERE.

More information:
Martyna Karolina Daniel, intercultural specialist

UpdatedTuesday June 11th 2024, 10:26