Lesfriður | Reading in Peace


Lesfriður | Reading in peace is on vacation and will start again in the autum

We would all like to spend more time reading? The reality is though that reading is often neglected and given way to other "more important" things.

How about setting aside a certain amount of time a week for reading? Kind of like going to the gym?

The Reykjavík City Library Sólheimar invites interested readers to the reading club, where you can read together in privacy one evening a week. Each reader brings his own reading material or chooses a book from the collection. The aim is only to take the time to enrich the spirit by reading novels, non-fiction books or other texts.

Lesfriður will be open every Wednesday evening from 6 pm - 9:30 pm in the wintertime.

All welcome!

Further information:

Guðríður Sigurbjörnsdóttir, Library Manager
gudridur.sigurbjornsdottir@reykjavik.is | 411 6160