Literary Walks

The Reykjavik City Library offers a variety of literary walks. Our goal is first and foremost to promote Icelandic literature in a lively manner, but we discuss the city as a backdrop for old and new literature, thereby casting a new light on our daily surroundings.

The subject of the walks varies widely. For example, there have been crime walks, pub walks, poetry walks, and “underground walks.” 

Literary Walks for Groups

Literary Walks are perfect for groups of people who want to break up their everyday routine with a fun activity and enjoy the outdoors at the same time. Available by appointment, and the fee is listed in the tariff.

Audio-Guided Literary Walks

The Reykjavik City Library and the Reykjavík UNESCO City of Literature have, in partnership with the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service, created an app, Reykjavik Culture Walks, featuring audio-guided literature walks. It’s available for iOS (through iTunes) and Android (through Google Play). The walks are narrated in Icelandic, English, Spanish, and German.   

Summer Evening Walks

Reykjavik City Library, Reykjavik City Museum, Reykjavik Art Museum and Reykjavik Unesco City of Literature host evening walks around the city over the summer. The walks usually begin around 20:00 on Thursday evenings from June to August.

Further information:
Guðrún Dís Jónatansdóttir, Head of Communications