Listaverk eftir starfsfólk í Ási
Listaverk eftir starfsfólk í Ási

Um þennan viðburð


Exhibition | No one can do everything, but everyone can do something

Þriðjudagur 24. september 2024 - Sunnudagur 5. janúar 2025

Exhibition of artworks made by personnel in Ás workshop/studio.

Ás is a non-profit organization which concentrates on creating work facilities for people with reduced working capacity. 

One of the guiding principles in Ás is that "no one can do everything, but everyone can do something".

Art has a big place in Ás. Emphasis is placed on that everyone can participate creating art pieces with material such as wool and clay. This methodology has helped many to develop further in their artistic creation.

This exhibition is a result of that work.

Those interested can buy art pieces from the exhibition through the Ás-store at Ögurhvarf 6, 


Easy to read text:

Exhibition of art from Ás studio.

In Ás studio, people with disabilities work under the slogan "no one can do everything, but everyone can do something". They make some art for example out of wool and clay. Anyone interested can participate.

If people want to buy artwork from the exhibition, they can come to the Ás-store at Ögurhvarf 6. 


The event on facebook

Ás web page

Ás facebook 


Further information:

Katrín Guðmundsdóttir
Sími 4116250